Key Dates and Times for the Trading Week Ahead:
(Note: Much of the economic data this week will likely be delayed due to the government shutdown)
Monday, 10/14/13: Columbus Day. Markets are Open. Banks are Closed. Happy Thanksgiving to Canada. The budget talks and political drama continues since a deal will not be announced this morning as the stock market expected. OpEx Monday’s are typically bullish. Chairman Bernanke speaks 8 PM. Earnings: BSX, BRO, ETFC, ENZ, FCS, FTNT, GHL, IDXX, JBHT, ORB, PKG, SCHN, XLNX, ZNGA.
Tuesday, 10/15/13: Eid al-Adha (Feast of the Sacrifice, a Muslim Holiday). Empire State Mfg Survey 8:30 AM. Fed’s Dudley speaks 10 AM. Fed’s Wiliams speaks 11:10 AM. Markets are typically bullish from a Tuesday low to a Wednesday high during OpEx week. Fed’s Fisher speaks 7:15 PM. Earnings: C, CSX, DPZ, INTC, JNJ, KO, MTB, PNX, SCHW, YHOO.
Wednesday, 10/16/13: National Boss Day. Mortgage Applications 7 AM. CPI 8:30 AM. TIC data 9 AM. Atlanta Fed Business Inflation Expectations and Housing Market Index 10 AM. Beige Book 2 PM—market pivot point. Fed’s Fisher speaks 6:45 PM. Earnings: ABT, ALB, AXP, BAC, BK, BLK, CLB, EBAY, IBM, KEY, KMR, MAT, NE, PEP, SNDK, STJ, SWK, STLD, USB, UNB, URI, WGO.
Thursday, 10/17/13: Fed’s Fisher speaks 7:45 AM and 8 AM. Jobless Claims and Housing Starts 8:30 AM. Industrial Production 9:15 AM. Philly Fed Survey 10 AM. Natty Gas Inventories 10:30 AM. Oil Inventories 11 AM (one-day delay). Fed’s Evans speaks 12:45 PM. Fed’s George speaks 1:45 PM. Fed’s Kocherlakota speaks 2:45 PM. The nation reaches its Debt Ceiling Limit. Will the debt ceiling be raised to avoid a downgrade of U.S. debt? A large social security payment is not required until 11/1/13 so there is one or two more weeks of wiggle room available. Markets are typically bullish moving through the full moon. Earnings: AMD, ALGN, BMI, BAX, BBT, BTU,BX, COF, CY, DHR, FITB, GS, GOOG, HBAN, ISRG, NUE, PM, PPG, SYK, SVU, UNP, UNH, VZ, WERN.
Friday, 10/18/13: OpEx. Fed’s Tarullo speaks early morning. Leading Indicators 10 AM—market stutter step should occur. Fed’s Evans speaks 2 PM. Fed’s Stein speaks 4:30 PM. In Q4, European bank stress tests will occur, Germany’s high court must decide if the ECB’s OMT program is constitutional, and Europe must finalize all plans for the new banking union. Full moon. Earnings: BHI, FHN, GE,GPC, HON,ILMN, IR, IPG, KSU, LH, MS, PH, SLB,STI, TXT.
Monday, 10/21/13: Chicago Fed National Activity Index 8:30 AM. Existing Home Sales 10 AM. Earnings:
Tuesday, 10/22/13: Richmond Fed Mfg Index 10 AM. AAPL unveils the new iPad. Earnings:
Wednesday, 10/23/13: Mortgage Applications 7 AM. FHFA Home Price Index 9 AM. Oil Inventories 10:30 AM. Earnings:
Thursday, 10/24/13: China and Asia Flash PMI’s. European Flash PMI’s. Jobless Claims 8:30 AM. New Home Sales 10 AM—market pivot point. Natty Gas Inventories 10:30 AM. Kansas City Mfg Index 11 AM. 30-Year TIPS Auction 1 PM. Earnings:
Friday, 10/25/13: Durable Goods Orders 8:30 AM. Consumer Sentiment 9:55 AM—market pivot point. Earnings:
Monday, 10/28/13: Pending Home Sales Index 10 AM. Dallas Fed Mfg Survey 10:30 AM. Bradley turn window opens for a strong market move to occur, up or down (Bradley model does not predict direction only the time of an event), between now and 11/10/13. Earnings: AAPL.
Tuesday, 10/29/13: FOMC 2-day meeting begins. S&P Case-Shiller House Price Index 9 AM. Consumer Confidence 10 AM—market pivot point. 5-Year Note Auction 1 PM. Earnings:
Wednesday, 10/30/13: Mortgage Applications 7 AM. ADP Employment Report 8:15 AM. GDP 8:30 AM. Oil Inventories 10:30 AM. 7-Year Note Auction 1 PM. FOMC Meeting Announcement 2 PM—market pivot point. Does QE tapering begin? Earnings:
Thursday, 10/31/13: Happy Halloween. EOM. Challenger Job Report 7:30 AM. Employment Cost Index, Personal Income and Outlays and Jobless Claims 8:30 AM. Chicago PMI 9:45 AM. Natty Gas Inventories 10:30 AM. Farm Prices 3 PM. Earnings:
Friday, 11/1/13: All Saints Day. China and Asia PMI’s. European PMI’s. Motor Vehicle Sales. Monthly Jobs Report 8:30 AM. Construction Spending and ISM Mfg Index 10 AM—market pivot point. Earnings:
Sunday, 11/3/13: Major Bradley Turn date—markets would be expected to move violently up, or violently down, within +/- 7 days, especially +/- 3 days.
Monday, 11/4/13: Factory Orders 10 AM. Earnings:
Tuesday, 11/5/13: International Trade 8:30 AM. ISM Non-Mfg Index 10 AM. Earnings:
Wednesday, 11/6/13: Mortgage Applications 7 AM. Productivity and Costs 8:30 AM. Oil Inventories 10:30 AM. Earnings:
Thursday, 11/7/13: Chain Store Sales. Jobless Claims 8:30 AM. Natty Gas Inventories 10:30 AM. Consumer Credit 3 PM. Earnings:
Friday, 11/8/13: Consumer Sentiment 9:55 AM—market pivot point. JOLTS Job Openings and Wholesale Trade 10 AM. Earnings:
Monday, 11/11/13: Veteran’s Day. Markets are Open. Banks are Closed. Earnings:
Tuesday, 11/12/13: 3-Year Note Auction 1 PM. Keystone’s Eclipse Indicator targets 11/12/13 through 12/10/13 as having potential for a major market sell off. Earnings:
Wednesday, 11/13/13: Mortgage Applications 7 AM. Import and Export Prices 8:30 AM. Atlanta Fed Business Inflation Expectations 10 AM. 10-Year Note Auction 1 PM. Treasury Budget 2 PM. Chairman Bernanke speaks 7 PM. Earnings:
Thursday, 11/14/13: Jobless Claims, PPI and Retail Sales 8:30 AM. Business Inventories 10 AM—market pivot point. Natty Gas Inventories 10:30 AM. Oil Inventories 11 AM. 30-Year Bond Auction 1 PM. Earnings:
Friday, 11/15/13: Empire State Mfg Survey and CPI 8:30 AM. Industrial Production 9:15 AM. Earnings:
------------------------ 2014 ---------------------------
Tuesday, 1/1/14: Major Bradley Turn date—markets would be expected to move violently up, or violently down, within +/- 7 days, especially +/- 3 days.
Wednesday, 1/9/14: Major Bradley Turn date—markets would be expected to move violently up, or violently down, within +/- 7 days, especially +/- 3 days.
Wednesday, 1/29/14: Chairman Bernanke conducts his last official two-day meeting (1/28 and 1/29) as Chair of the FOMC.
Friday, 1/31/14: Chairman Bernanke’s term ends at the Fed. Yellen takes over.
Friday, 2/7/14: Winter Olympics begin in Sochi, Russia, through 2/23/14.Watch $RTSI and RSX.
Wednesday, 3/19/14: new Fed Chair Yellen talks at the conclusion of her first FOMC meeting (3/18 and 3/19).
February/March: Fed Chair Yellen testifies before Congress.
March: ESM is officially ‘fully operational’. The Euro banking union is in place after delays from January 2013 to January 2014 and now to March 2014.
April: MSFT no longer supports Windows XP.